This strain gauge module uses a BF350 sensor to measure mechanical stresses in solid materials. The module includes an adjustable amplifier circuit to make it suitable for interfacing directly to a microcotrollers ADC input and requires only a single 5V power supply.
Note that this module should be used for applications where only relative strain measurements are required.
Product code: HCSENS0038
Supply voltage: 5V
Output voltage: 0-3.5V
Sensor type: BF350-3AA
Strain limit: 2%
Active sensor size: 2mm x 3.5mm
Sensor resistance: 350 ohms
Fatigue life: >10000000
Module size: 32mm X 17 mm
Example Arduino application:
Arduino Sketch:
- #define SENSOR_PIN 0
- void setup()
- {
- Serial.begin(9600);
- }
- /* Main loop */
- void loop()
- {
- Serial.print("Sensor: ");
- Serial.println(analogRead(SENSOR_PIN));
- /* Wait 1 second and then read again */
- delay(1000);
- }
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