Hobby Components ArduBlock Kit, together with the included ArduBlock software, uses visual Arduino programming methods, making it an excellent kit for beginners and for use as a teaching aid. The kit contains everything you need to get started, including a quick start manual and example sketches (using the Ardublock software), and all the software you will need on an included CD.
Funduino Revision 3 Uno Development Board
Funduino I/O Expansion Shield V5.0
White LED Module
Yellow LED Module
Red LED Module
Green LED Module
Buzzer Module
LM35 Temperature Sensor Module
Light Sensor Module
Rotary Potentiometer Module
Push Button Module
Ultrasonic Module
Joystick Module
Sensor Cables
DuPont Cable
USB Cable
CD which includes software, Arduino sketches, ArduBlock examples and a full colour manual.