pcDuino Arm Development Board (HCDVBD0001)
pcDuino Arm Development Board (HCDVBD0001)
pcDuino is a high performance, cost effective mini PC platform that runs PC like OS such as Ubuntu and Android ICS. It outputs its screen to HDMI enabled TV or monitor via the built in HDMI interface. It is specially targeted for the fast growing demands from the open source community. The platform could run full blown PC like OS with easy to use tool chain and compatible with the popular Arduino ecosystem such as Arduino Shields (may need a bridge shield) and open source projects etc.
The board comes with Ubuntu OS preinstalled with various useful desktop applications including chromium web browser.
Interfaces - Top
Interfaces - Bottom
Arduino Compatible Headers
1GHz Allwinner A10-Based Arm Processor
Ubuntu Desktop With Arduino IDE
Ubuntu Desktop With Chromium Browser
User Guide of pcDuino
User Guide of OS installation for pcDuino
User Guide of Arduino programming for pcDuino
Specification of WiFi dongle for pcDuino
Livesuit Linux version here
Phonenix Card
User Guide of Arduino programming for pcDuino
Ubuntu Images:
LiveSuite or PhoenixCard kernel image.
Win32DiskImager kernel image.
Ubuntu Image (unzip and copy to an SD card after installing above kernel).
Android Image:
Android Image
Arch Linux:
Arch Linux Arm
Arduino IDE:
How to install Arduino IDE if you wish to program for Arduino boards directly from the pcDuino:
On your pcDuino board, open a terminal window and type the following:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install arduino
To run the Arduino IDE just type the following: