Pickit2 compatible programmer and debugger (HCDVBD0020)

Microchip PIC development boards and accessories
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Pickit2 compatible programmer and debugger (HCDVBD0020)

Post by admin » Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:36 am



A USB programmer and debugger for Microchip Pic (TM) devices (HCDVBD0020). The programmer supports in-circuit (ICSP) programming, simulation and debugging of supported Pic devices. The programmer is compatible with software supporting Pickit2 programmers which includes the MPLAB IDE and Pickit 2 programming software. It also has the additional capability of storing program data in memory for off-line programming by just pressing the function button. Connection to a device can be done using its standard ICSP connector and supplied cable. This also allows it to be connected to many Pic development boards such as our 16F877A development board (HCDVBD0003) .

The three indicators are:

Yellow light: Indicates external target power connected

Green: Emulator power indicator

Red light: Programmer busy

Supported Devices:

The programmer supports online programming and/or debugging of most of Microchip's Pic devices from the following ranges PIC10/12/16/18/24/32, dsPIC30/dsPIC33 and almost the entire line of PIC FLASH microcontroller chip.

PIC10F Series Devices:

PIC10F200, PIC10F202, PIC10F204, PIC10F206, PIC10F220, PIC10F222

PIC12F Series Devices:

PIC12F508, PIC12F509, PIC12F510, PIC12F519, PIC12F609, PIC12HV609 the PIC12F615, PIC12FHV615
PIC12F629, the PIC12F635, on PIC12F675, the PIC12F683's

PIC16F Series Devices:

PIC16F505, PIC16F506, PIC16F526
, PIC16F54, PIC16F57,, PIC16F59,
PIC16F610, PIC16FHV610, the PIC16F616, PIC16FHV616
PIC16F627 and the PIC16F628, PIC16F627A, PIC16F628A, PIC16F648A, PIC16F630, the, PIC16F631, the PIC16F636 The PIC16F639 is, PIC16F676,
the PIC16F677 The PIC16F684, PIC16F685, PIC16F687 PIC16F688, PIC16F689, PIC16F689/PIC16F690,
PIC16F72, the PIC16F73, PIC16F74, PIC16F76, PIC16F77, PIC16F722, PIC16F723, PIC16F724, PIC16F726, PIC16F727, of PIC16F716,
the PIC16F737, PIC16F747, PIC16F767, PIC16F777, PIC16F785, PIC16FHV785,
PIC16F84A, PIC16F87, PIC16F88, The PIC16F818, PIC16F819, PIC16F870, PIC16F871, PIC16F872, PIC16F873, PIC16F874,
PIC16F876, PIC16F877, the PIC16F873A, PIC16F874A, PIC16F876A, the PIC16F877A, the PIC16F882, The PIC16F883, PIC16F884, the PIC16F886, the PIC16F887,
the PIC16F913, PIC16F914 products, PIC16F916, the PIC16F917 to PIC16F946 is, PIC16F1933, PIC16F1934, PIC16F1936, PIC16F1937,
PIC16F1938, PIC16F1939, PIC16LF1933, PIC16F1934, PIC16F1936, PIC16F1937, PIC16LF1938, PIC16LF1939

PIC18F Series Devices:

The PIC18F242, a PIC18F252 The PIC18F442 is the PIC18F452
PIC18F248, PIC18F258, PIC18F448, PIC18F458,
PIC18F1220, PIC18F1320, PIC18F2220, PIC18F2320
PIC18F1230, PIC18F1330
PIC18F2221, PIC18F2321
PIC18F2331, PIC18F2410, PIC18F2420, PIC18F2431
PIC18F2450, PIC18F2455, PIC18F2458, PIC18F2480
PIC18F2510, PIC18F2515, The PIC18F2520 performs, PIC18F2523
PIC18F2550, PIC18F2553, PIC18F2580, PIC18F2585,
PIC18F2610, PIC18F2620, PIC18F2680
PIC18F2682, PIC18F2685
PIC18F4220, PIC18F4221
PIC18F4320 The PIC18F4321, PIC18F4331
PIC18F4410, PIC18F4420, PIC18F4423
PIC18F4431, PIC18F4450, PIC18F4455
PIC18F4458, PIC18F4480
PIC18F4510, PIC18F4515, PIC18F4520, PIC18F4523,
PIC18F4525, the PIC18F4550, PIC18F4553, PIC18F4580
PIC18F4610 and the PIC18F4620, PIC18F4680
PIC18F6310 The PIC18F4685 , PIC18F6390, PIC18F6393
PIC18F6410, PIC18F6490, PIC18F6493
PIC18F6520, PIC18F6525, PIC18F6527, PIC18F6585
PIC18F6620, PIC18F6621, PIC18F6622, PIC18F6627
PIC18F6628, PIC18F6680
PIC18F6720 already, PIC18F6722, PIC18F6723
PIC18F8310, PIC18F8390, PIC18F8393
PIC18F8410, PIC18F8490, PIC18F8493
PIC18F8520, PIC18F8525, PIC18F8527, PIC18F8585,
PIC18F8621, PIC18F8620, the PIC18F8622 is, PIC18F8627
PIC18F8628, PIC18F8680
PIC18F8720, PIC18F8722, PIC18F8723

PIC18F24J10, F25J10, and F44J10 F45J10
PIC18LF24J10, LF25J10, LF44J10, LF45J10
PIC18F24J11, F25J11, F44J11, F45J11
PIC18LF24J11, LF25J11, LF44J11, LF45J11
PIC18F26J11, F46J11
PIC18LF26J11, LF46J11
PIC18F24J50, F25J50, F44J50, F45J50
PIC18LF24J50, LF25J50, LF44J50, LF45J50
PIC18F26J50 F46J50
PIC18LF26J50, LF46J50
PIC18F63J11, 63J90, 64J11, 64J90
PIC18F65J10, 65J11, 65J15
PIC18F65J50, 65J90
PIC18F66J10, 66J11, 66J15, 66J16
PIC18F66J50, 66J55, 66J60, 66J65
PIC18F67J10, 67J11, 67J50, 67J60
PIC18F83J11, 83J90, 84J11, 84J90
PIC18F85J10 , 85J11, 85J15, 85J50
the PIC18F85J90
PIC18F86J10, 86J11, 86J15, 86J16
PIC18F86J50, 86J55, 86J60, 86J65
PIC18F87J10, 87J11, 87J50, 87J60
PIC18F96J60, 96J65
PIC18F97J60 PIC18F13K22 LF13K22, F14K22PIC18F13K50 LF14K22 , PIC18F23K20 14K50 , 24K20, 25K20 26K20 PIC18F43K20, 44K20, 45K20, 46K20

Can this programmer power my device circuit or do I need an external power supply?

This programmer can power your device in circuit via the pin marked VDD. There are however some consideration that need to me made when using this pin. Firstly you must not have an external power supply connected to your circuit. You will also need to enable this pin via the Pic programming software by checking the ON tick box and setting the appropriate VDD voltage. Total current draw from this pin should not exceed 25mA. These requirements are as per a Microchip branded Pickit2 programmer and you can find more information about this in section 2.5 of the user guide which is available for download below.

Microchip MPLab (TM) Development environment software can be downloaded from the Microchip website here

The Pickit2 programming software can be downloaded here

User Guide:
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