PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
a search shows others have asked how to get the mcw window back to add to the files and even on the microchip forum and got no replies !
and had to give up on mplab completly .its like a secret society
and had to give up on mplab completly .its like a secret society
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
View->Project should bring it back up.
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Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
I have just got one of the these board. Very nice. The quality is excellent. I recommend this product.
I use Great Cow BASIC as my compiler for PIC microcontrollers. Open source and very, very simple. See http://gcbasic.sourceforge.net/index.php
My code to flash the leds is extremely simple and really only a few lines long.
I use Great Cow BASIC as my compiler for PIC microcontrollers. Open source and very, very simple. See http://gcbasic.sourceforge.net/index.php
My code to flash the leds is extremely simple and really only a few lines long.
Code: Select all
' FILE: PIC_16F877a_LED_Test.gcb
' DATE: 01/08/14
' VERSION: 0.1a
' AUTHOR: Anobium, based on the work of Andrew Davies dated 26/07/14
' This test program will flash the LEDs connected to port D on the development board.
' It was written using the Great Cow Basic (GCB) complier. Install GCB - you are recommended to use
' GCB@SYN from the Great Cow Basic website.
' This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
' modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
' version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
' This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' Lesser General Public License for more details.
' If you require a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License along with this code; please write to the Free Software
' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
'Chip settings
#chip 16F877a, 4 ' Select the chip and the chip speed
#config Osc = XT ' Select the external oscillator
dir portd out ' Set all PORTD ports as outputs
do forever ' Loop for ever
PORTD=0xFF 'Turn off LED's on port D
wait 125 ms 'wait
PORTD=0x00 ' Turn on LED's on port D
wait 125 ms 'wait
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
Working HEX file for PIC_16F877a_LED_Test.gcb
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Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
That's a very interesting project. I will try and schedule some time in the next few days to have a closer look at it. Maybe it's something we can add to the first post to help beginners to get going with PIC devices.
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Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
I have sent Andrew a private message but it is stuck in my outbox. Is there an email address I can send a PM to?
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
I got your message and replied to it.
Comments made by this poster do not necessarily reflect the views of Hobby Components Ltd.
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
now i have trouble with the pickit3 not talking with mplab ,MPLab just cant see the pickit 3 for some reason .not making any progress at all
error message
PICkit 3 detected
Connecting to PICkit 3...
PK3Err0033: 4 bytes expected, 0 bytes received
Failed to properly connect to PICkit 3
error message
PICkit 3 detected
Connecting to PICkit 3...
PK3Err0033: 4 bytes expected, 0 bytes received
Failed to properly connect to PICkit 3
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
do i need to be using administrator to use it ?
Re: PIC - PIC Development Board + PIC16F877A (HCDVBD0003)
We don't sell this product so it's not really something we can give much advise on. The only thing we have noticed is that quite a few people using 64bit operating systems have reported the same problem with this model of programmer. Quite often their solution was to disconnect the programmer in some way such as selecting a different programmer and then switching back, physically disconnecting the programmer, or downloading the pickit3 programming software, using it to push a firmware update to the programmer and then connecting it back to MPLAB. If your current problem is just related to this programmer please feel free to post in the general discussions area about it as someone who has one may be able to give you some advise. It's a little off topic for this thread which is just for 16F877A development board.
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