1.3" SH1106 uOLED Display Module (HCMODU0058 & HCMODU0059)

LCD, TFT, OLED, LED modules
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Re: 1.3" SH1106 uOLED Display Module (HCMODU0058 & HCMODU0059)

Post by andrew » Sun Sep 13, 2020 7:28 am

You'll need to connect it to your ESP modules SPI interface. The actual pin connections to your ESP module will depend on the version of module you have and also some of the connections will depend on the actual pin configurations within the sketch/library you are using. But here is a guide to how you would connect it:

D0/SCK.......Normally GPIO14 (SPI CLK)
D1/SDA.........Normally GPIO13 (SPI MOSI)
RST.................RST or GPIO pin if controlled by sketch (Reset)
DC..................GPIO pin depends of software (Data / command)
CS...................GPIO pin depends on software (SPI chip select)
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Re: 1.3" SH1106 uOLED Display Module (HCMODU0058 & HCMODU0059)

Post by philcoll99 » Sun Sep 13, 2020 11:24 am

Thanks for the help Andrew - I think I’m getting closer! I have nothing displaying on the screen though.

I have the controller marked ‘D1 WiFi’, purchased a month or two back from HC. In the below the GPIO numbers in brackets are those marked on the back of the board.

The connections I have are:
OLED. D1 Wifi
VCC 3.3V
RES D2 (GPIO16) in my sketch RST_DI set to 16)
DC D15/SCL/D3 (GPIO5) in my sketch DC_DI set to 5)
CS D14/SDA/D4 (GPIO4) in my sketch CS_DI set to 4)

Do the above connections seem ok? So which of the markings on the board refer to the SPI interface?

I know the display does work as I connected it up to an Arduino Uno and it worked fine, and this D1 board works as I’ve connected it fine to the internet and interrogated an API. it’s just connecting the two together I’m having a problem with!

Thanks for your help.

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Re: 1.3" SH1106 uOLED Display Module (HCMODU0058 & HCMODU0059)

Post by andrew » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:22 pm

I'm guessing from your comments that you're using our HCuOLED library. If so you would connect it like this:

OLED.............WEMOS D1
D0/SCK.......D5 (GPIO14)
D1/SDA.........D7 (GPIO13)
RST.................D1 (GPIO5)
DC..................D2 (GPIO4)
CS...................D8 (GPIO15)

In your sketch set the following definitions:
  1. #define CS_DI 15
  2. #define DC_DI 4
  3. #define RST_DI 5
Note that the HCuOLED library wasn't written to support this configuration but it should work.
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