Arduino Project Handbook - Base Kit (HCAPHK0009)

Information and comments relating to our Arduino Project Handbook Kits which are derived from the Arduino Project Handbook written by Mark Geddes.
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Arduino Project Handbook - Base Kit (HCAPHK0009)

Post by admin » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:49 am

Arduino Project Handbook - Base Kit and Free LED and Photo Resistor Kits

The Base kit consists of the items that most of the Arduino Project Handbook projects require. This is sold as a standalone bundle as it means you can go ahead and purchase the other kits separately at a time to suit without going to the expense of buying the same items over again.

The base bundle consists of:
Arduinoâ„¢compatible Uno Rev 3 and USB Cable
400 Point Solderless Breadboard
Set of 65 Jumper Cables

Using this kit in conjunction with the book and our other kits allows you to delve into many of the projects in this excellent book. And better still, we include all the items required to complete the projects in the first section of the book… for free!

The LED kit utilises pages 42 – 62 of the Arduino Project Handbook written by Mark Geddes.

The LED kit is an excellent place to start with the book as it allows you to complete all projects from section one of the book! The kit includes:
  • 10 x 220ohm Resistors
    470ohm Resistor
    10K ohm Resistor
    1M ohm Resistor
    8 x 3mm Red LEDs
    6 x 3mm Green LEDs
    2 x 3mm Blue LEDs
    3 x 3mm Yellow LEDs
    20cm length of wire
Using this kit in conjunction with the book and base kit allows you to delve into the following projects contained in the book:
  • Blinking an LED
    Dimmable Light
    Push Button LED
    LED Light Bar
    LED Bargraph
    Disco Strobe Light
    Mood Light
    Light Writer
    Ghost Detector

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