TinyCircuits product range including TindyDuino and TinyLili.
Site Admin
Posts: 881
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:02 pm


Post by admin » Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:59 am

This is a free and open forum for anybody to use and post questions or comments no matter if you are a customer of Hobby Components or not. However if you wish to request technical support directly from Hobby Components Ltd please keep the following in mind:

We have limited resources and support questions should only be directed at Hobby Components if they relate to a problem with an item purchased directly from us. When doing so please make it clear that the item was purchased from ourselves otherwise you may not receive a response from from us.

If you did not purchase the item from us please feel free to post a question of this forum but PLEASE MAKE IT CLEAR THAT THE ITEM WAS NOT PURCHASED FROM HOBBY COMPONENTS. This is very important as some products are made by multiple manufactures and can vary in quality, specification and design.

Please do not directly ask us for technical support on items there where not purchased from Hobby Components. In this case we recommend contacting the seller from which you purchased the item, or direct the question to other users of this forum. When doing so we also ask that you do not link to competitors products.

When posting questions directed at Hobby Components:

Please try and include as much information as you can. E.g. any error messages you see, what LED's are illuminated and what is connected to the board, etc.

We may not be able to offer any technical support beyond confirming that your item is in good working order.

When posting in this forum it will be assumed that you require help in debugging your purchased item. If you believe your item to be faulty and require a refund/replacement then you should email us directly at

Libraries, example code, and diagrams posted in this forum are provided as an additional free service by Hobby Components and are not sold as part of this product. We do not provide any guarantees or warranties as to their accuracy or fitness for purpose.


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