Problems with k150 programmer

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Problems with k150 programmer

Post by lohug666 » Sun May 10, 2015 4:29 am

Hello!, i wanted to start this post because, yesterday i got one of thisprogrammers and as you might tell im having lots of issues with it, first, I am trying to program the pic16f877a and the problem bascally is that when i try to read, verify or program the PICit says "The programmer does not recognise the [16F877A] processor" and if i choose to continue in the "program" option it says "Received data error" i dont know if it's the pic or the programmer or the driver what is not working, i tried cheking voltage at the Vpp and Vss ports and I got 6.29 V i dont know if it is too low, im pluging it in mi laptop usb.

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Re: Problems with k150 programmer

Post by andrew » Mon May 11, 2015 8:54 am

It should defiantly program a 16F8777A without errors. This is the device sold in our PIC development boards and works great with it. It sounds like a connection issue. Are you programming the chip via the ICSP header or the ZIF socket? 6.29V is very low. However the VPP voltage is only enabled for a brief amount of time so if you are using a multimeter to measure it, it may not be reacting quick enough to measure the peak voltage on this pin.
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