avrdude error: program enable: target does not answer (0x01)
avrdude error: initialization failed, rc=-1
From the error message it looks to me like you have the driver installed correctly. The bit of the error message above is saying ‘I can’t talk to the device for some reason’. That could be for any number of reasons but will likely be one of the following things:
Something wrong with the programmer
A bad or incorrect connection between the programmer and the IC
A wrong configuration
A bad IC or something that is stopping it from working.
We have a blog post on how to link an LED with an ATTiny85. It’s using a USBtinyISP programmer rather than a USBasp but it may be worth a scan though it may help you sanity check your setup:
Could you also check that you have the programmer connected to your ATTiny85 as follows:
USBAsp (10 Pin IDC)………ATTiny88
1 (MOSI)..………....……...………..6 (MISO)
2 (VCC)................................8 (VCC)
3 (GND)...............................4 (GND)
5 (RESET).............................1 (RESET)
7 (SCK)................................7 (SCK)
9 (MISO)..............................5 (MOSI)
Finally, have you programmed anything in the past with the programmer? This would help to determine if the issue is with the programmer or not.
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