No Paypal?

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No Paypal?

Post by Andy2No » Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:39 am

I was just about to place an order with you, on your own shop website, and got as far as entering my address. Step 4 was payment, with no option to pay using Paypal.

This surprises me, because you also sell on ebay, so your account there accepts Paypal, or at least it did the last time I ordered that way.

I would rather order from your shop site directly, but unless you start accepting Paypal, I don't see that as an option. No matter how secure you feel your site is, I've had card details stolen too often in the past, so I stick to paying with Paypal.

For now, it seems the only way I can order from you and pay with Paypal is via eBay, which seems a shame.

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Re: No Paypal?

Post by andrew » Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:22 am

I was just about to place an order with you, on your own shop website, and got as far as entering my address. Step 4 was payment, with no option to pay using Paypal.
This surprises me, because you also sell on ebay, so your account there accepts Paypal, or at least it did the last time I ordered that way.

Sorry to hear this is an issue for you. We did used to accept paypal payments but we decided to dropped it as an option quite some time ago because firstly only a small percentage of our website customers were using it and more importantly, the paypal fees were relatively high which resulted in us having to more for our products (this is also part of the reason why we have to charge more on eBay compared to our website). Although you can pay for orders on eBay using paypal, it is actually eBay you are making the payment to who in turn pay us. So we don’t actually have any direct dealing with paypal themselves.

With regards to paying for orders via our website, when you checkout you are handed over to a secure takepayments (Barclaycard) page for the actual payment process. We don’t see or handle any of your payment details ourselves. Takepayments then gives us an instant notification that payment has been made so that we know to ship your order.

When placing an order the only details we actually see and store are your billing/delivery address and your account details (email address & password) which are all stored in an encrypted form.

Just for reference here is our privacy policy and why we need and store these details:
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