ESP8266 breakout module with mLink header (HCDVBD0044)

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ESP8266 breakout module with mLink header (HCDVBD0044)

Post by admin » Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:27 am


The Hobby Components ESP8266 breakout module is a general purpose development board incorporating an ESP8266 (ESP-07) wireless microcontroller. It breaks-out the ESP07’s IO pins to a convenient single in-line header making it breadboard or prototyping board friendly.

mLink compatible - The module also includes an mLink header allowing it to be easily expanded via our range of mLink modules. Connect displays, keypads, relays, and sensors all with no soldering required.

Programming - The module is compatible with the Arduino IDE via the board manager feature (see below for Arduino setup and programming). Its main header includes pins for power, GND, Tx and Rx to connect a USB to serial adapter. The serial interface also includes a level shifter so both 5V and 3.3V TTL USB adapters can be safely connected.

On-board push buttons for reset and program mode allow the module to be switched into program mode for uploading new sketches and then switch back to normal run mode with a press of the reset button.

Power -It can be powered either via its 5V & GND header pins or, via its 5V microUSB header.





Arduino IDE setup guide:

The module is compatible with the Arduino IDE via the board manager feature. The latest version of the Arduino IDE can be downloaded from the official Arduino website here:

Once installed you will need to add board support for ESP8266 devices. To do this just follow steps 1 & 2 in our blog post here:

Arduino IDE board settings:
Board: Generic ESP8266 Module
Port: The COM port of your USB interface module.
Crystal Frequency: 26MHz
Flash Frequency: 40MHz
Flash mode: DIO
Reset Method: dtr
Upload Speed: 115200
Flash Size: 1MB (FS64KB OTA:~470KB)
CPU Frequency: 80MHz

You can leave any additional settings to their defaults.

Flashing A Sketch

To interface this module to your PC you will need an additional USB to serial interface adapter. The serial interface is compatible with both 3.3V and 5V TTL adapters: ... al-adaptor ... rt-adapter ... le-adaptor


Connect the USB to serial adapter to the module's serial interface as shown above.

To put the module into programming mode, reset the module by pressing then releasing the reset button whilst holding down the program push button.

After uploading your sketch the module can be put back into run mode by pressing the reset push button.


mLink example

If you wish to use this board with any of our mLink modules the mLink library can be found here:


For more information about our mLink modules see the mLink product section of our forum here:

mLink modules can be purchased from our store here:

The mLink is also compatible with most I2C modules. Please check supply voltages and pinouts before connecting.

Libraries, example code, and diagrams are provided as an additional free service by Hobby Components and are not sold as part of this product. We do no provide any guarantees or warranties as to their accuracy or fitness for purpose.

Descriptions and diagrams on this page are copyright Hobby Components Ltd and may not be reproduced without permission.

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