Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

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Re: Hobby Components 16 Channel Logic Analyser (HCTEST0035)

Post by andrew » Thu Dec 03, 2020 9:40 am

Everything you have listed is exactly what I would expect to see. So even though the error you report looks like a driver issue it does look like the driver is installed and working correctly. In fact as it is being reported as an fx2lafw that tells me that Pulseview has actually seen the device and even correctly uploaded the fx2lafw firmware to it. Note that Pulseview uploads the firmware into the analysers non-volatile memory meaning that then you unplug the analyser is loses the firmware so I know must have reported the above information after running Pulseview.

One thing this does point to however is that when Pulsview uploads the firmware it reboots the device causing the USB to momentarily disconnect and then re-enumerate. I suspect it's at this point the issue is occurring.

You wouldn't by any chance be running Windows in a virtual machine?

Also just on the off chance, and assuming you have one, can you try a different mini USB cable and if your plugging it into a USB hub try plugging it directly into your computer.

BTW, this discussion is off topic in this thread so I will be moving these posts over to the 8 channel analyser thread here:

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Re: Hobby Components 16 Channel Logic Analyser (HCTEST0035)

Post by Friis » Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:31 pm

I am using the USB connection on my windows laptop, and I am not running virtual Windows.
I have tried with another USB cable. I did not help.

I think your analyses is correct, but what to do to make it work?

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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by andrew » Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:48 pm

Thanks again for your replies. I've never seen this issue before and after a bit more pondering I'm now starting to think that there's something odd going on with the version of driver you have installed where is doesn't like the analyser after the fx2lafw firmware has been uploaded to it. I'm assuming the version of Zadig you're using is the one when came with your copy of Pulseview? If so can you try downloading the latest version of Zadig directly from the official website in the link below and then going though the driver install process again to see if that fixes the problem:

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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by Friis » Sat Dec 12, 2020 10:16 pm

I have reinstalled the driver from Zadic, version 2.5. It did not solve the problem:
The Pulseview program uploads the driver to the device, Pulseview recognizes the device as: sigrok FX2 LA (8ch), and fails to open the device, reporting generic/unspecified error.

Below I have copied the log from the Device Manager after I have run the Pulseview program, and it has reported the error.
I do not know how to interpret this information, may be it is useful to you :-).
Best regards

Lognavn: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-PnP/Configuration
Kilde: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-PnP
Dato: 22-11-2020 20:33:29
Hændelses-id: 410
Niveau: Oplysninger
Bruger: SYSTEM
Computer: DESKTOP-20DJGT0
Device USB\VID_1D50&PID_608C\sigrok_FX2_8ch was started.

Driver Name: oem178.inf
Class Guid: {88bae032-5a81-49f0-bc3d-a4ff138216d6}
Service: WinUSB
Lower Filters:
Upper Filters:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
<Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-PnP" Guid="{9c205a39-1250-487d-abd7-e831c6290539}" />
<TimeCreated SystemTime="2020-11-22T19:33:29.2700002Z" />
<Correlation />
<Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="15948" />
<Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
<Data Name="DeviceInstanceId">USB\VID_1D50&amp;PID_608C\sigrok_FX2_8ch</Data>
<Data Name="DriverName">oem178.inf</Data>
<Data Name="ClassGuid">{88bae032-5a81-49f0-bc3d-a4ff138216d6}</Data>
<Data Name="ServiceName">WinUSB</Data>
<Data Name="LowerFilters">
<Data Name="UpperFilters">
<Data Name="Problem">0x0</Data>
<Data Name="Status">0x0</Data>

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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by andrew » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:19 am

Thanks for the info but unfortunately it doesn't give me any clues as to the issue. I really don't see why it shouldn't be working. It appears to be a driver issue but then Pulseview must be communicating with it ok to be able to upload the firmware. Two things to try in a last ditch attempt to get it working...

Firstly can you try installing the libusb-win32 driver via Zadig instead of the WinUSB driver and give it another try.

If you still have no luck can you uninstall Pulseview, redownload it from Sigrok, and reinstall it just in case something went wrong there.

Also do you have access to another computer that you could test it on? That would at least rule out any hardware issues.
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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by macardoso » Wed Mar 23, 2022 3:13 pm


I recently purchased one of these Logic Analyzers and followed the setup instructions. I was able to install pulse view and use Zadig.exe to assign the driver. I can see the LA in PulseView, listed as "sigrok FX2 LA (8ch) with 8 channels" in the "Connect to Device" menu in "Step 4: Select the Device". Unfortunately, after I click this, an error pops up with "Failed to open device: generic/unspecified error".

I have tried uninstalling the device and drivers several times, but no luck getting it to connect. I am connecting directly to my laptop's USB 3.0 port (tried all 3 of them) using both the cable that cable with the unit and a second known good USB cable.

Error images are below:
Imnage 1.JPG
Image 2.JPG
Image 3.JPG
Image 4.JPG
I've also completed the log file listed in the first post, results are below. I'm stuck on where to go from here...

C:\>cd C:\Program Files\sigrok\sigrok-cli\

C:\Program Files\sigrok\sigrok-cli>sigrok-cli -d fx2lafw -c samplerate=1mhz --samples 1m -o D:\test\foo.sr -l 5
sr: [00:00.000000] log: libsigrok loglevel set to 5.
sr: [00:00.001000] backend: libsigrok 0.6.0-git-6dc55e4/4:0:0.
sr: [00:00.002000] backend: Libs: glib 2.44.1 (rt: 2.44.1/4401:1), zlib 1.2.11, libzip 1.5.2, minilzo 2.10, libserialport 0.1.1/1:0:1 (rt: 0.1.1/1:0:1), libusb-1.0 API 0x01000104, hidapi 0.8.0-rc1, libftdi 1.4.
sr: [00:00.003000] backend: Host: x86_64-w64-mingw32.static.posix, little-endian.
sr: [00:00.003000] backend: SCPI backends: TCP, serial, USBTMC.
sr: [00:00.004000] backend: Firmware search paths:
sr: [00:00.026000] backend: - C:\Users\Mike\AppData\Local\sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.026000] backend: - C:\ProgramData\sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.027000] backend: - C:\Users\Public\Documents\sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.027000] backend: - C:\Program Files\sigrok\sigrok-cli\share\sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.027000] backend: - C:\Program Files\sigrok\sigrok-cli\share\sigrok-firmware
sr: [00:00.028000] backend: Sanity-checking all drivers.
sr: [00:00.028000] backend: Sanity-checking all input modules.
sr: [00:00.029000] backend: Sanity-checking all output modules.
sr: [00:00.029000] backend: Sanity-checking all transform modules.
srd: libsigrokdecode loglevel set to 5.
sr: [00:00.042000] fx2lafw: Failed to open potential device with VID:PID 1d50:608c: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
sr: [00:00.049000] fx2lafw: Found an fx2lafw device.
sr: [00:00.050000] hwdriver: Scan found 1 devices (fx2lafw).
sr: [00:00.051000] device: fx2lafw: Opening device instance.
sr: [00:00.052000] fx2lafw: Firmware upload was not needed.
sr: [00:00.058000] fx2lafw: Failed to open device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
sr: [00:00.061000] fx2lafw: Unable to open device.
Failed to open device.
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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by andrew » Thu Mar 24, 2022 9:04 am

Unfortunately, after I click this, an error pops up with "Failed to open device: generic/unspecified error".

The previous poster seemed to have the same issue as you but unfortunately they never responded to my last post so I don't know if any of my suggestions resolved it. The error message its giving is a bit unhelpful and other than yourself and the last poster I've not come across before. But a couple of things to first try:

Sorry if this one is a bit obvious but have you tried rebooting your computer in case something in Windows got stuck?

If that doesn't fix it, could you try the libusb-win32 driver via Zadig instead of the WinUSB driver and give it another try. After installing the driver I would suggest unplugging then re-inserting the analyser and then checking in Zadig that it did actually change it to libusb-win32.
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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by AndyAAA » Tue Mar 29, 2022 10:38 am

I'm new to the logic analyser, I'm trying to get the I2C filter decoder to work - with the I2C decoder I can see my data address 0x4A and 0x94/95 with read/write but when I apply either of these values to the filter no data is decoded - what I'm I doing wrong ? are there any tutorials or information anywhere ?
Thanks AA

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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by andrew » Tue Mar 29, 2022 2:29 pm

I've not used this feature myself but could this be your problem:

This is a generic I²C filtering protocol decoder.

It takes input from the I²C protocol decoder and removes all traffic
except that from/to the specified slave address and/or direction.

It then outputs the filtered data again as OUTPUT_PROTO of type/format 'i2c'
(up the protocol decoder stack). No annotations are output.

The I²C slave address to filter out should be passed in as an option
'address', as an integer. A specific read or write operation can be selected
with the 'direction' option, which should be 'read', 'write', or 'both'.

Both of these are optional; if no options are specified the entire payload
of the I²C session will be output.

I.e., the i2cfilter decoder is meant to be stacked inbetween the i2c decoder and another higher-level decoder (e.g. i2c->i2cfilter->mxc6225xu or i2c->i2cfilter->ds1307 etc.).

Note the last line in bold. When you entered your settings into the filter did you select a stacked decoder?

Here is the manual for Pulsview btw (linked to the part about decoder staking)...

https://sigrok.org/doc/pulseview/0.4.1/ ... r_stacking
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Re: Hobby Components USB 8CH 24MHz Logic Analyser (HCTEST0006)

Post by SNG » Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:59 pm

I bought one of these bargain gadgets in January and am just trying to use it now. While the main page for the software lists Mac as supported, all attempts to download the latest builds from http://sigrok.org/wiki/Mac_OS_X yield a broken 22K '.DMG' file which will not mount. According to the orange banner which the Mac download links scroll past without showing (and which contradicts the rest of the Wiki), the nightly builds broke in February before I got a chance to snarf one.

I got the GUI software from archive.org, which finds the device, but there's no sign of any macOS version of the CLI package (sigrok-cli) there or on http://sigrok.org and all google finds is the broken stuff and useless pointers to it.

As Sigrok themselves say building from source "should generally not be necessary" and after a decade developing on macOS and iOS I've still no intention of installing 'Homebrew' or the pile of library dependencies (mostly already installed properly on my system) it calls for to do so. I'm permanently on macOS 10.14.6 for legacy i386-compatibility reasons. The wiki says 10.9+ and I don't seem to have any driver problems.

I don't do Windoze and my Amigas lack USB. ;-) I certainly do do scripts and favour a CLI over a GUI for any repetitive operation, especially one where my hands are likely to be full from the start. Can anyone here advise where I could get the lost sigrok package for macOS, please?

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