The ST7920 GLCD driver operates in two modes, text and graphics. This demo shows you how to use the graphics modes and the capabilities of GCB.
This demonstration shows temperature sensor every time you press the KEY1 button. This shows how to draw and use interrupts with GCB.
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' FILE: PIC_GCB_16F877A_Interrupt_Temp_Demo_with_GLCD_Example.gcb
' DATE: 07/08/14
' VERSION: 0.1a
' AUTHOR: Anobium
'This program was written using the Great Cow Basic IDE for use with the PIC
'16F8777A development board (HCDVBD0003) and a GLCD module to display the value of the a DS18B20 sensor.
'Press button KEY1 to take a measurement.
'Pressing KEY1 raises an interrupt that starts the GLCD update process.
'Chip Settings. Assumes the development board with with a 16F877A
#chip 16F877a,20
#include <DS18B20.h>
#include <GLCD.h>
#define GLCD_IO 8
#define GLCD_WIDTH 128
#define GLCD_HEIGHT 64
#define GLCDFontWidth 6
' read delay of 25 is required at 32mhz, this can be reduced to 0 for slower clock speeds
#define ST7920ReadDelay 15
' write delay of 2 is required at 32mhz. this can be reduced to 1 for slower clock speeds
#define ST7920WriteDelay 2
#define GLCD_RS PORTE.0
#define GLCD_Enable PORTE.2
#define GLCD_RW PORTE.1
' DS18B20 port settings - this is required
#define DQ PortC.3
GLCDPrint 0, 1, "Great Cow Basic "
wait 2 s
'Define ports
dir portb.0 in
' Enable enable weak pull-up function on portB. This IS required.
dim numberstring as string
dim ustring as string * 3
dim tstring as string * 3
dim hstring as string * 3
dim tempstring as string * 3
Dim BarValues(11) as byte
Dim RealValues(11) as byte
newnumber = 0
readmode = 1
' Menus
#define Intro_Screen 0
#define Bar_Graph_Screen 1
#define Change_Time_Setting_Menu 2
#define Top_Level_Menu 3
#define Change_Number_of_Samples_Menu 33
#define Change_Number_MaxY_Menu 34
#define Change_Number_MinY_Menu 35
#define Line_Graph_Screen 40
' EEPRom addresses
#define Number_of_Samples 0
#define write_pointer 1
#define data_points_captured 2
#define MaxYValue 3
#define MinYValue 4
#define Timer1High 5
#define Timer1Low 6
dim tempcalc, secloop, ClockCounterValue, pixelcount as word
' Initilize value
INTE = 1
dir portc.7 out
On Interrupt ExtInt0 Call ButtonPressed
timedout = true
ScreenNumber = Bar_Graph_Screen
currentGraphDrawn = ScreenNumber
CreateScreen ( currentGraphDrawn )
pixelstate = 0
Do forever
wait 250 ms
' toggle the 0,0 pixel
if pixelstate = 0 then
pset 0, 0 , 1
pixelstate = 1
pset 0, 0 , 0
pixelstate = 0
end if
' read next sensor value when the button has been pressed
if timedout = true then
timedout = false
end if
sub readSensor
cels = readTemp
end sub
sub createscreen ( in ScreenNumber )
LINE 0,63,127,63
GLCDDrawString 7,1,"C"
GLCDDrawString 19,1,"1"
GLCDDrawString 31,1,"2"
GLCDDrawString 43,1,"3"
GLCDDrawString 55,1,"4"
GLCDDrawString 67,1,"5"
GLCDDrawString 79,1,"6"
GLCDDrawString 91,1,"7"
GLCDDrawString 103,1,"8"
GLCDDrawString 115,1,"9"
Line 0,13,3,13
Line 0,23,3,23
Line 0,33,3,33
Line 0,43,3,43
Line 0,53,3,53
Line 126,18,127,18
Line 126,28,127,28
Line 126,38,127,38
Line 126,48,127,48
Line 126,58,127,58
end sub
sub initBarGraphValues
BarValues = 63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63
RealValues = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
lastbry = 0
end sub
sub bargraph
tlx = 5
tly = GLCD_HEIGHT - 1
brxx = 15
BarValues( 1 )= tly - cels
' out data into a variable and a string
RealValues ( 1 ) = cels
tempstring = str(cels)
bry = tly - cels
' draw the leftmost info box
Box ( tlx, bry,brxx,lastbry, 0)
Box ( tlx, tly, brxx, bry, 1 )
' draw the values
select case len(tempstring)
case 3
hstring = mid(tempstring,1,1)
tstring = mid(tempstring,2,1)
ustring = mid(tempstring,3,1)
GLCDDrawstring 6, 38 ,hstring
GLCDDrawstring 6, 46 ,tstring
GLCDDrawstring 6, 54 ,ustring
case 2
tstring = mid(tempstring,1,1)
ustring = mid(tempstring,2,1)
GLCDDrawstring 6, 46 ,tstring
GLCDDrawstring 6, 54 ,ustring
case else
GLCDDrawString 6, 46 , " "
GLCDDrawString 6, 54 ,tempstring
end select
lastbry = bry
' draw the other older data boxes
for drawgraph = 1 to 9
' recall values from array
tlx = 5+(drawgraph * 10)+(2 * drawgraph )
tly = GLCD_HEIGHT - 1
brxx = 15+(drawgraph * 10)+(2 * drawgraph )
bry = BarValues(drawgraph+1)
Box ( tlx, bry,brxx,( BarValues( drawgraph+2 )), 0)
Box ( tlx, tly,brxx,bry,1)
xColCount = tlx + 1
number = GLCD_HEIGHT - 1 -bry
numberstring = str((GLCD_HEIGHT - 1 -bry))
tempstring = str(realvalues(drawgraph+1))
' draw values
select case len(tempstring)
case 3
hstring = mid(tempstring,1,1)
tstring = mid(tempstring,2,1)
ustring = mid(tempstring,3,1)
GLCDDrawstring xColCount, 38 ,hstring
GLCDDrawstring xColCount, 46 ,tstring
GLCDDrawstring xColCount, 54 ,ustring
case 2
tstring = mid(tempstring,1,1)
ustring = mid(tempstring,2,1)
GLCDDrawstring xColCount, 46 ,tstring
GLCDDrawstring xColCount, 54 ,ustring
case else
GLCDDrawString xColCount, 46 , " "
GLCDDrawString xColCount, 54 ,tempstring
end select
' move data to right inarray = make data older....
for movedata= 11 to 2 step -1
BarValues(movedata) = BarValues(movedata-1)
RealValues(movedata) = RealValues(movedata-1)
end sub
sub ButtonPressed
' Button pressed set flag
timedout = true
end sub