No additional components are required simply ensure the LED (j3 /LED - EN) link is in place.
- This demo flashes the LEDS in sequence.
This code can be easily be adapted for other 40 pin Microchip devices, simply change the #chip type
This code uses the external resonator, however, the #config can be removed to use the internal oscillator
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' FILE: PIC_16F877a_LED_Rotate_Test.gcb
' DATE: 02/08/14
' VERSION: 0.1a
' AUTHOR: Anobium
' This test program will flash the LEDs connected to port D on the development board, aka Knight Rider.. back and forth LEDs
' It was written using the Great Cow Basic (GCB) complier. Install GCB - you are recommended to use
' GCB@SYN from the Great Cow Basic website.
' This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
' modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
' version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
' This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
' Lesser General Public License for more details.
' If you require a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
' License along with this code; please write to the Free Software
' Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
' Chip settings
#chip 16F877a, 4 ' Select the chip and the chip speed
#config Osc = XT ' Select the external oscillator
' Set ports
dir portd out ' Set the portd as outputs
set portd = 255 ' Set the initial value of the state of the LEDs
' Set required variables
ddelay = 125 ' Set the delay for the LEDs
do forever ' Loop forever
repeat 8 ' Repeat this loop 8 times
Rotate PORTD Left ' Rotate the portD to the left, shifting Carry Bit (equals 0 to first port)
wait ddelay ms ' wait
end Repeat ' Loop
wait ddelay ms
repeat 7 ' Repeat this loop 7 times, 7 prevents a double flash of one of the LEDs
Rotate PORTD Right ' Rotate the portD to the right.
wait ddelay ms ' wait
end Repeat ' loop
set portd = 255 ' reinitialise the port
Set C off ' ensure the Carry Bit is 0
loop ' loop forever